Tuesday, April 22, 2008

the best candidate

The reason I chose to support Obama is not because of his race, even though its about time, nor is it because he would probably be the most intelligent president we've had in this great country, but its because of his policies, and the fact that he is standing up for the people who aren't the 'corporate fat cats.'

This is why I'm baffled when people consider the other candidates. We have the choice of a second Bush, or another Clinton (except this one has more issues).

I've talked to the people who are voting for the other candidates and they gave me half-ass answers like, "'cause I'm a republican," or "because it's about time we had a female president."

If someone asked me why I would vote for Obama I would say because he's health care plan benefits me and a lot of people I know. He wants to change from the corporate pigs getting all the money to the working class, the people. He wants to end this war as soon as possible without hurting any of our soldiers. Wants an end to the tactics used to distract the mass and concentrate on the real issues like poverty and depression (whatever you like to call it we're in one right now). AND HE HASN'T BEEN ENDORSED BY WALMART OR ANYONE THAT LAYS OFF PEOPLE TO GET MORE OF A PROFIT!

I also ask people why they won't vote for Obama and they say stuff like he's unpatriotic (he didn't where a flag pin, like he should just carry it around everywhere, or he doesn't put his hand on his chest which is the way your supposed to do it in certain occasions). Another reason is his reverend (by and by, no one said anything when McCain's endorsement from pastor Rod Parsley who calls for the destruction of all of Islam, or Hilary who said we should nuke anyone who would attack the US, this is how nuclear wars start)

I'll end with this what happened to the days when we fought against a war we didn't believe in, or the days when we picked a candidate because of their merits rather than the fame associated with their name. What happened to the time we could protest without the fear of the media booing us off a stage, or the fear of a redneck attacking us.

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